2012. szeptember 16., vasárnap

Epilogue: The final bell

Well. Here we are. Back in Hungary. "Sweet."  I feel a bit kind of weird because of it. A big period is over for me now. Finished with school. Finished with student life. I moved back to Pápa and I'm living with my parents. Trying to find a job somewhere far... trying to grow up. Japan ended up very suddenly. I cannot really cry but when the flight took off my eyes suddenly filled up with tears and I turned very very sad. I miss that life. I came back, I've had an interview... during what I they made me realize how stupid I am and all the people and the places just suddenly faded away. Like an old dream. I have to look forward and concentrate on the future.
So let's see what Japan gave me:
Amazing experiences and thrills.
The sights, the spots... it's craziness.
It made me have an open mind and made me feel more acceptable and welcoming to foreign and crazy stuff.
I can eat fish... before Japan I didn't eat it at all.
And in personality... we will see. I guess it helped me a lilbit realize how important "work" is.
And that how much I like to go away and meet new people and have fun with them. Yeah I think here lies the key. That was the thing I enjoyed the most. So I will have to kind of try to continue it as much as I can.
And what else can I say? It wan an amazing 2 months. I have no idea what will happen to me... hopefully I can continue to go again somewhere and with the words of Antony... be an "international badass". That would be cool. Especially BC since I've returned I feel pretty uncomfortable.
Anyway. Thanks for this 2 months for everyone who were involved in it. I hope the memories will last for long in everyone. It was great and amazing. I wish I could continue these friendships... honestly I think they will fade away very quickly... but we will see. Anyway. I recommend Tokyo to anyone. It is an amazing and crazy place. But I loved it. Thanks for everyone who read this blog. I tried to make it interesting... but I guess I failed. :D But still. Thanks for coming with me on this journey
Here the story ends.

2012. szeptember 9., vasárnap

Last report

Well, here we are.
The final entry from Japan. On Friday morning one of our best friends, Antony left. It was quite sad, he was the Italian guy who always had a smile on his face. A great friend we already miss him. I won't forget how he left Kokobunji in the morning, head up high and walking away with the big suitcase. So on Friday with Yuki, an Indian boy, and a Danish girl we've went to a Toilet showroom. Why? Just for fun. The girls were crazy for the toilets here. You could program them, and there were lot of buttons, bides, we've seen toilets with remote controls and stuff... Japanese people are crazy on the toilet. Anyway. Later we've found a "love" statue, made some pics, and went for an IAESTE meeting. And afterwards made a "final" eating/drinking party. Franz really wanted to do this and there were quite many people. Some Japanese friends but also many new trainees. I mean... it was really strange. Meet guys and start to be friends with them despite you know you'll never ever see them again and it's just only for one day or night. But still it was pretty cool.
Saturday we've went for the summer camp. I have a lilbit diverse feelings. First of all the nature and the river was awesome. Second. There were 90 students in total.12 foreigners and the rest were Japanese students.And... well despite this supposed to be a big event for us... it was more like a camp organized by Japanese students for Japanese students... where there are some foreigners as surprise act... but no one really cares about it. And this is the big problem of this IAESTE. The members are not really interested in exchange students or just in total about what is happening outside of Japan. I've asked many of the students and most of them they are members of this organization just to meet other Japanese people, or pick up girls. And nothing to do with making international friends. :( So despite there was a water pistol knock out tournament (it would be much more fun just to give everyone a pistol and have fun.. but here water gun is really expensive) and watermelon spitting and things like this... it was not so good. And in the night there was a drinking party till the police came. The exchanges went to the riverside to continue speak and drink where noone sleeps... the Japanese people didn't follow us. They went inside their houses. So it's quite sad. But of course there were so awesome girls and boys who were exception and who really took care of us and cooked and had fun with us. For them big respect. But it's just only 20% I think. :S Anyway. At least we, exchanges could have more fun with each other. I've met some guys and girls who just arrived. It was really great to hang out with them and make lot of jokes. An Irish guy got drunk and started to eat us...:D

And today in the morning I said bye to these people and my German friend, Franz and came back to Tokyo. It was said because with Franz we were quite together since I've arrived so saying farewell was pretty tuff. And then I've carried my stuff from my dorm to a place of a Japanese friend of mine and I've spent the afternoon with Yuki (gosh, I will miss her a lot. she was really funny and we've had a lot of jokes and laughs together :S), and later with Rie. We went to have a dinner, I've met some friends of Yuki who were here for half a year. It was strange to start to make friends on your last night in Japan. Anyway later we've met a Japanese boy and the danish girl... and a said a big bye to everyone and I'll go home tomorrow morning. With a Scottish girls we will have the flight quite in the same time so maybe we will meet at the airport.

So what to says? I'm quite sentimental right now. Packing all the shit together was difficult and while the roads here are not really smooth the wheels of my luggage broke... so it will be difficult to reach the airport. So I'll get up early and I'll try to do my best. I am pretty sad. It was a nice new life here with awesome people and I will really miss some nice foreigner and Japanese girls and boys. I have loads of nice memories. 

But I will write about it one last time. Now I have to say bye for the blog... but in a week I'll make a summary here with all my thoughts. Right now there are too many. And I'll try a little bit make some conclusions about these two months. But I am really sad that it is over.

2012. szeptember 7., péntek

Last Friday night

Luggage is half-packed, half of the souvenirs bought, room is started to be cleared out.
Today is my last day in the dorm. Saturday morning I'll have to leave. I'll leave here my luggage and carry a backpack with me to the summer camp to Okutama. It's gonna be 2 days massive fun. Activities, funny games, jokes, jokes, water pistol games, drinking games.. so many stuff. And after a crazy drinking party coming back to Tokyo, spend a night at a friend's house and Monday I'll go to Narita and fly back to Europe.

So what happened this week? I tried to make still some stuff at the university, make some final sightseeing and in the nights KKB boys were watching together movies... making jokes, practicing Gangnam style and things like this. But without Michael it was not that massive fun. Anyway Thursday night we've had a nice dinner and beer session for Antony who went home today. It was really great. Previously I could sell my phone and I went to a Café with Yuki. And today we checked out just for fun a Toilet showroom, went to an IAESTE meeting and had some final drinks together in a bar. Many friends left already and there are some new people so it's kinda strange. I was chatting for the first time with people who I'll never see again in my life. Kinda weird. Anyway. It was nice. The view and Tokyo was amazing and despite it's sad to go home I'm glad that still I can be here. And the weekend I hope will be great. There are many thoughts in my head actually about  friendships, IAESTE behavior and things but I think I don't want to write it down right now. I'll do it in the last entry. I've also started to seek opportunities for the future, I have some dreams which are difficult to make... but who knows. Anyway. Life will change very soon. But what is for sure: These two months were really really amazing.

2012. szeptember 1., szombat

Cosmic funeral

Everything fades away. 
Well. I do not have not that amount of money left so I don't really do fancy or super interesting things. This week was mostly about doing my final report.Yeaaaah. Cos I needed to make one. 10 pages+ a presentation. So... I 've spent the beginning of the week mostly with it. Despite I didn't really feel like busy during my staying here it was not that easy to write only 10 pages... we did many things and I could really make a nice report. But it took a lot of time. So I didn't sleep that much.:D And in the end of the week my German friend said: Hey, let's do a trip! So I went. It sounded a lilbit crazy cos I was really tired and I just finished my final report (we've had a nice dinner and party in the lab) but if someone says something stupid to do with me I'm always in. Anyway. It was nice. Train+ hitchhike to a lake and a shrine in it. We also visited a place where sulfur was in the ground and people have eaten black eggs. I tried it out it was good. :D Hitchhiking is always an adventure we've met some really nice people. And the sights were  really amazing.
On Friday night we've visited a nice Japanese friend of us and we have eaten a nice dinner together. It was the last day of my polish labmate. :(

I mean. Ok. I was not always nice to her. She was not really funny or attractive and stuff. But I spent a lot of time with her cos of the work and we've had some nice conversations I told her a lot of jokes and of course I will really miss her. Probably I will never see her again. But she was a really really nice college.

And yesterday we went to an aquapark. Yeeey. It was really really rainy so one guy turned back halfway. But it's Tokyo. So still it was crowded. In some pools there were so many people... it was incredible. I have seen some vids on youtube about pools where there were so many people that you couldn't see the water... but it is really real. I have seen it with my own eyes. Crazy. And also... we have needed to wait 60 mins just to use a slide. But still we have had loads of fun and it was really really awesome. All day craziness with friends.

And in the night we went to a club to dance and party. We got really drunk before... so I have not too much memories but it was really great. And one of my best friends, the Irish guy will leave tomorrow. He is probably the rudest person I have ever met. But still he is really cool and I will really miss him. We laughed a lot. 

And it's sad. Like... My life just started in Tokyo. Right now I really don't feel too much connection to Europe or the west. I haven't spoken with anyone there for many days and I don't miss it. My life is in Japan and it's great and right now I do not really feel I should care about what is happening anywhere outside of  this island. And it ends suddenly. So I'm sad. :( I still don't know what will future brings in Hungary. I will try to get a job abroad... but probably I won't get so I will have to stay there. :((((( Whatever.We will see. But I will miss Tokyo life a lot. That's for sure.