2012. szeptember 16., vasárnap

Epilogue: The final bell

Well. Here we are. Back in Hungary. "Sweet."  I feel a bit kind of weird because of it. A big period is over for me now. Finished with school. Finished with student life. I moved back to Pápa and I'm living with my parents. Trying to find a job somewhere far... trying to grow up. Japan ended up very suddenly. I cannot really cry but when the flight took off my eyes suddenly filled up with tears and I turned very very sad. I miss that life. I came back, I've had an interview... during what I they made me realize how stupid I am and all the people and the places just suddenly faded away. Like an old dream. I have to look forward and concentrate on the future.
So let's see what Japan gave me:
Amazing experiences and thrills.
The sights, the spots... it's craziness.
It made me have an open mind and made me feel more acceptable and welcoming to foreign and crazy stuff.
I can eat fish... before Japan I didn't eat it at all.
And in personality... we will see. I guess it helped me a lilbit realize how important "work" is.
And that how much I like to go away and meet new people and have fun with them. Yeah I think here lies the key. That was the thing I enjoyed the most. So I will have to kind of try to continue it as much as I can.
And what else can I say? It wan an amazing 2 months. I have no idea what will happen to me... hopefully I can continue to go again somewhere and with the words of Antony... be an "international badass". That would be cool. Especially BC since I've returned I feel pretty uncomfortable.
Anyway. Thanks for this 2 months for everyone who were involved in it. I hope the memories will last for long in everyone. It was great and amazing. I wish I could continue these friendships... honestly I think they will fade away very quickly... but we will see. Anyway. I recommend Tokyo to anyone. It is an amazing and crazy place. But I loved it. Thanks for everyone who read this blog. I tried to make it interesting... but I guess I failed. :D But still. Thanks for coming with me on this journey
Here the story ends.

2012. szeptember 9., vasárnap

Last report

Well, here we are.
The final entry from Japan. On Friday morning one of our best friends, Antony left. It was quite sad, he was the Italian guy who always had a smile on his face. A great friend we already miss him. I won't forget how he left Kokobunji in the morning, head up high and walking away with the big suitcase. So on Friday with Yuki, an Indian boy, and a Danish girl we've went to a Toilet showroom. Why? Just for fun. The girls were crazy for the toilets here. You could program them, and there were lot of buttons, bides, we've seen toilets with remote controls and stuff... Japanese people are crazy on the toilet. Anyway. Later we've found a "love" statue, made some pics, and went for an IAESTE meeting. And afterwards made a "final" eating/drinking party. Franz really wanted to do this and there were quite many people. Some Japanese friends but also many new trainees. I mean... it was really strange. Meet guys and start to be friends with them despite you know you'll never ever see them again and it's just only for one day or night. But still it was pretty cool.
Saturday we've went for the summer camp. I have a lilbit diverse feelings. First of all the nature and the river was awesome. Second. There were 90 students in total.12 foreigners and the rest were Japanese students.And... well despite this supposed to be a big event for us... it was more like a camp organized by Japanese students for Japanese students... where there are some foreigners as surprise act... but no one really cares about it. And this is the big problem of this IAESTE. The members are not really interested in exchange students or just in total about what is happening outside of Japan. I've asked many of the students and most of them they are members of this organization just to meet other Japanese people, or pick up girls. And nothing to do with making international friends. :( So despite there was a water pistol knock out tournament (it would be much more fun just to give everyone a pistol and have fun.. but here water gun is really expensive) and watermelon spitting and things like this... it was not so good. And in the night there was a drinking party till the police came. The exchanges went to the riverside to continue speak and drink where noone sleeps... the Japanese people didn't follow us. They went inside their houses. So it's quite sad. But of course there were so awesome girls and boys who were exception and who really took care of us and cooked and had fun with us. For them big respect. But it's just only 20% I think. :S Anyway. At least we, exchanges could have more fun with each other. I've met some guys and girls who just arrived. It was really great to hang out with them and make lot of jokes. An Irish guy got drunk and started to eat us...:D

And today in the morning I said bye to these people and my German friend, Franz and came back to Tokyo. It was said because with Franz we were quite together since I've arrived so saying farewell was pretty tuff. And then I've carried my stuff from my dorm to a place of a Japanese friend of mine and I've spent the afternoon with Yuki (gosh, I will miss her a lot. she was really funny and we've had a lot of jokes and laughs together :S), and later with Rie. We went to have a dinner, I've met some friends of Yuki who were here for half a year. It was strange to start to make friends on your last night in Japan. Anyway later we've met a Japanese boy and the danish girl... and a said a big bye to everyone and I'll go home tomorrow morning. With a Scottish girls we will have the flight quite in the same time so maybe we will meet at the airport.

So what to says? I'm quite sentimental right now. Packing all the shit together was difficult and while the roads here are not really smooth the wheels of my luggage broke... so it will be difficult to reach the airport. So I'll get up early and I'll try to do my best. I am pretty sad. It was a nice new life here with awesome people and I will really miss some nice foreigner and Japanese girls and boys. I have loads of nice memories. 

But I will write about it one last time. Now I have to say bye for the blog... but in a week I'll make a summary here with all my thoughts. Right now there are too many. And I'll try a little bit make some conclusions about these two months. But I am really sad that it is over.

2012. szeptember 7., péntek

Last Friday night

Luggage is half-packed, half of the souvenirs bought, room is started to be cleared out.
Today is my last day in the dorm. Saturday morning I'll have to leave. I'll leave here my luggage and carry a backpack with me to the summer camp to Okutama. It's gonna be 2 days massive fun. Activities, funny games, jokes, jokes, water pistol games, drinking games.. so many stuff. And after a crazy drinking party coming back to Tokyo, spend a night at a friend's house and Monday I'll go to Narita and fly back to Europe.

So what happened this week? I tried to make still some stuff at the university, make some final sightseeing and in the nights KKB boys were watching together movies... making jokes, practicing Gangnam style and things like this. But without Michael it was not that massive fun. Anyway Thursday night we've had a nice dinner and beer session for Antony who went home today. It was really great. Previously I could sell my phone and I went to a Café with Yuki. And today we checked out just for fun a Toilet showroom, went to an IAESTE meeting and had some final drinks together in a bar. Many friends left already and there are some new people so it's kinda strange. I was chatting for the first time with people who I'll never see again in my life. Kinda weird. Anyway. It was nice. The view and Tokyo was amazing and despite it's sad to go home I'm glad that still I can be here. And the weekend I hope will be great. There are many thoughts in my head actually about  friendships, IAESTE behavior and things but I think I don't want to write it down right now. I'll do it in the last entry. I've also started to seek opportunities for the future, I have some dreams which are difficult to make... but who knows. Anyway. Life will change very soon. But what is for sure: These two months were really really amazing.

2012. szeptember 1., szombat

Cosmic funeral

Everything fades away. 
Well. I do not have not that amount of money left so I don't really do fancy or super interesting things. This week was mostly about doing my final report.Yeaaaah. Cos I needed to make one. 10 pages+ a presentation. So... I 've spent the beginning of the week mostly with it. Despite I didn't really feel like busy during my staying here it was not that easy to write only 10 pages... we did many things and I could really make a nice report. But it took a lot of time. So I didn't sleep that much.:D And in the end of the week my German friend said: Hey, let's do a trip! So I went. It sounded a lilbit crazy cos I was really tired and I just finished my final report (we've had a nice dinner and party in the lab) but if someone says something stupid to do with me I'm always in. Anyway. It was nice. Train+ hitchhike to a lake and a shrine in it. We also visited a place where sulfur was in the ground and people have eaten black eggs. I tried it out it was good. :D Hitchhiking is always an adventure we've met some really nice people. And the sights were  really amazing.
On Friday night we've visited a nice Japanese friend of us and we have eaten a nice dinner together. It was the last day of my polish labmate. :(

I mean. Ok. I was not always nice to her. She was not really funny or attractive and stuff. But I spent a lot of time with her cos of the work and we've had some nice conversations I told her a lot of jokes and of course I will really miss her. Probably I will never see her again. But she was a really really nice college.

And yesterday we went to an aquapark. Yeeey. It was really really rainy so one guy turned back halfway. But it's Tokyo. So still it was crowded. In some pools there were so many people... it was incredible. I have seen some vids on youtube about pools where there were so many people that you couldn't see the water... but it is really real. I have seen it with my own eyes. Crazy. And also... we have needed to wait 60 mins just to use a slide. But still we have had loads of fun and it was really really awesome. All day craziness with friends.

And in the night we went to a club to dance and party. We got really drunk before... so I have not too much memories but it was really great. And one of my best friends, the Irish guy will leave tomorrow. He is probably the rudest person I have ever met. But still he is really cool and I will really miss him. We laughed a lot. 

And it's sad. Like... My life just started in Tokyo. Right now I really don't feel too much connection to Europe or the west. I haven't spoken with anyone there for many days and I don't miss it. My life is in Japan and it's great and right now I do not really feel I should care about what is happening anywhere outside of  this island. And it ends suddenly. So I'm sad. :( I still don't know what will future brings in Hungary. I will try to get a job abroad... but probably I won't get so I will have to stay there. :((((( Whatever.We will see. But I will miss Tokyo life a lot. That's for sure.

2012. augusztus 25., szombat

What's up?

Well... net too much. The blog is slowly coming to it's end as well as my staying in Japan. While time is passing by I try to do things and hang out with people as much as I can... that's why I do not  update daily my blog. Just like as it was at the end in Finland...
Anyway. It is not that easy to suddenly live in a dorm. I mean the guys are really nice and awesome but sometimes it is too much if every single second you are with people and everytime you arrive home in 10 mins someone knock your door. But it's just bitchin' about nothin'. :D I enjoy my time with them.
So.. Last week. We've had a a trip to Kyoto and Nsra and Osaka. Yeey! It was really really good. And expensive. :D But here everything is expensive. Anyway it was nice. Kyoto: Lot of shrines, temples, sculptures... architectural masterpiece. Really awesome. But. Between the temples the city is not really nice. Dirty buildings and stuff... look like Kispest district in Budapest. So I didn't like it that much. Nara is awesome. Small town with a lot of temples and shrines and with even more deers. Deer is kind of saint or sacred animal around these temples so  people don't harm them... they just live in the town. Amazing. They just go into the shops, and live there like people. Usually in Hun if you see a deer you are excited and thrilled cos it is somewhere in the forest. Here it is just totally common. 
And Osaka is a big city with not too much sights but a beatiful castle. The company were my labmates, the polish girl, a Japanese guy and a Chinese girl. It was ok and nice. The Chinese girl lowed shopping. :D But it was a nice company. Not too much party but lot of sights.
Aaand I dunno. I'm slowly running out of money so I cannot really do anything in my free-time. :D We've had an international cooking event. That was nice. I didn't cook anything but many people did and we were a lot and had some fun in a rented kitchen. We also had yesterday a Japanese cultural day what was really cool. We learned some symbols in Kanji, made a fan for ourself (what I successfully lost already) and later we went for a ship which provided amazing view from Tokyo. And the drinks were for free so we got pretty wasted. Later we wanted to go to a club, a big disco... but I've lost the others so I've ended up in the dorm. Today we'll check out some folk dance festival and afterwards next week I1ll have my final presentation.. And slowly people are leaving Japan so farwell parties are coming...:S

2012. augusztus 17., péntek

Epic fail

Bahh. Yesterday I wanted to go to check out the fish market which supposed to be one of the major sights of Japan... but it was closed. So it was totally worthy to get up at 7 for this sh*t... Anyway I did a massive 9-10 hours long sightseeing trip. What have I done? Visited two really really beautiful gardens, checked out there the ponds, the sights, the plants, animals... it was really great despite the 10000 degrees. And I also got an audioguide in English language so it was pretty interesting. BTW I realized one thing. Usually the elderly Japanese people are more friendly than the young ones. I mean... for the younger generation I think we are just a kind of trouble... language difficulties and stuff. For the pensioners or volunteers (lot of pensioners work in museums as volunteers just to show to other people some wonders of Japan) we are kind of interesting. I mean they have seen more things and I guess they are much more interested in other cultures (probably BC most of their time they lived only in Japan... which is also true for the younger ones. But the older people I guess can see more proper that this is not necessarily good) and that's why. I found a very kind old men who even tried to speak in Hungarian with me. :D It was really nice

Afternoon I checked out two museums. The first was a trap... it was mostly calligraphy which is totally boring for me. It is just Japanese writing marks and signs... which I totally can't understand. I'm sure it's kind of art but for non-Japanese it is not working. Anyway the other was the national gallery... which is tricky. It is really big a beautiful building. It's free but inside most of the sights are pics from "local heroes". Local painters and stuff. So for 0 jen I could see around 2000 (!) paintings and drawings. In the end I was really really tired. I had the opportunity to check out an exhibition also from the Edo era... but after 9-10 hours of walking in 35 degrees and 10000 % of humidity around 10 kms in Tokyo... afterwards I just wanted to go home and die peacefully.

I couldn't. I just arrived when my lads knocked my door that a Spanish guy has his birthday and we have to go to celebrate so I have to leave the dorm with them ASAP. Ok. It was an epic fail. The organizers made a ridiculous mistake. They set a place for the meeting point where previously we have never ever met. And in Tokyo it's not working like anywhere else in the world. Every subway has 2-3 substations, 4-5 exits, infinite amount of people.. you just cannot find your lads in an unfamiliar place. Cos for sure you'll get lost or wait 5 meters away and in the crowd you cannot find your friends. Sooo we cannot find the Spanish guy. so after some searching we returned to the dorm and while I was supertired I just went to sleep.

Today I needed to get up at 7 (again) to check out the fish market (again). It was ok. I mean... loads of dead fish and guys who are cutting them. It was interesting but if U R not so fishg33k it's not that big stuff. Later I've checked out an art gallery and the famous Budokan arena...which is a Judo and Sumo hall but many famous metal and rock bands recorded there DVD's. So it was nice.

And in some minutes I'll go to Kyoto I'll arrive back on Tuesday morning. Kyoto, Nara, Osaka. Yeeey! I still have to pack my stuff we'll travel with nighbus. So no blog and online activity for some days. But if you cannot live without the blog... here are some picks from the past few days:


I hope you'll like it.


2012. augusztus 15., szerda

Fix adventure

So we've made an adventure trip to Nikko.
It was four of us. The German boy, the Irish, the Belgian and me. Rest of the people have already visited Nikko during the the weekend... but we couldn't afford the travel on the IAESTE event for 15000 yen. So we made our own trip.

So if you want to make a cheap and exciting adventure  trip you should avoid two things: Paying for the transport and paying for the accommodation. I mean I know it's a horrible thing that we get adventage of some errors of the public transport here and cheat with the train tickets but travelling is so so so freakin' expensive that if you want to see anything which is just a lilbit far from Tokyo you cannot afford to travel legally. And about the wild-camping... well I don't know if it's legal or not but we really didn't bother anyone.

So first we went to Nikko which is part of the world heritage. 5 huge shrines, incredible buildings, structures, figures... it was capital and it has loads of historical monuments. All together in a nice forest. It looks really amazing it is just miraculous. Lot of traditional wooden buildings with details and everything and it's just crazy how nice it is. I'll upload pictures (more than 1000 I guess) soon.

From Nikko we hitchhiked to a lake 20kms away. It was crazy. I've never hitchhiked before... and despite all the bad things I've noticed about Japanese people, they are really friendly with hitchikers. We didn't need to wait for two long (10mins) for an elderly Japanese couple to pick us up and take us. They were driving a super luxurious Toyota I felt strange to travel with such an elegant car. And the lake... Wooow! It was amazing! It's in the top3 most beautiful views I've ever seen in my life (and it is a pretty strong list, trust me)! I've already uploaded a pic on facebook it was hilarious. Beautiful. We've found a quite hidden place with a wooden rooftop and a very clean, nice and fancy toilet so we've just camped there. 

We arrived there pretty late so we just made some pics, walked around and while we felt really great in such a beautiful area, we've bought some booze and while we've had a nice talk we've drunk some beer till we felt asleep. I didn't have a tent and I had no room to carry and bedclothes so I just slept on the floor, on the concrete below the rooftop. But the night was cold and as the sun rose up the light started to disturb me so I went into the handicapped toilet and tried to sleep in the darkest corner. Unfortunately next day from the incredible horrible quality sake and the instant food what we've eaten previous day I've had a kind-of diarrhea but it was ok. We've checked out a museum, a garden, an amazing and huge waterfall, and some shrines around the lake while we've enjoyed the view. The lake was located at 1200meters high... so it was not really warm there and the water was also pretty cold. So I didn't swim. But it was an amazing weekend we've had a lot of jokes and laughs... until a point. the original plan was coming back Tuesday night and on Wednesday go to an amusement park (we've planned it for soooo long and everyone agreed) but the German guy suddenly said: he stays at the lake for one more day... so we couldn't do anything. Alone it's not fun to go to amusement park so I stayed but I'm a lilbit angry on this guy. We've already had a plan and I understand that he had a great time at the lake if 4 of us, friends (or at least I thought so...) plan something one of us in the last second just cannot kick it up bc he changes his mind. Anyway I also stayed one night more (drinking games and sleeping in the tent and have lot of laughs and fun) and this morning with the Irish guy we came back (the two other guys stayed longer). While the amusement park we needed to cancel this afternoon I just went to Ginza, checked out a movie museum (it was for free... and it had a section for the history of Japanese porn movies... which is totally sick), checked out a huge Sony exhibition (and tried out the latest psp-s, PS3-s, 3D TV-s) and stuff so it was nice. I loved the nature in the past day but I also the metropolitan Tokyo. Even if you cannot go anywhere just walking around and see the amazing skyscrapers and buildings and neon on the street... Fantastic! I love it. So still here every day is a miracle and tomorrow it will just continue... I'll check out the famous fish market! Yeeey!

2012. augusztus 12., vasárnap

I'll sleep when I'm dead...

Yeah... well I was pretty lazy with the blog in these last days right? Sorry. Well one of the reasons is that nowadays not too many people read it... but more important that while I'm on holiday I can and have to do a looooot of stuff so I'm always busy or tired. So let's check out past week!

On Thursday I did sightseeing... I wanted to check out an area close to the bay. But while I have not much money I didn't want to take the train for so much money so I got off earlier... and figured out again that Tokyo is amazing. Cos while I just wanted to walk towards these three stops I've found some parks/forests/art museums and shrines... so in the end when I reached the are what I wanted to check out all my afternoon and day was gone. So I just took the train went back to the dorm and later we went a lilbit with the guys. Having fun in Greenland (entrance 1000 and all you can drink but everything is supersoft so you need to drink at least 20 shots for a cheerful mood...) for songs like this:

Gosh I loved this song but it was so overplayed by radios that after some weeks I just hated it. But it was nice to remember. And as usual we made some massive singing for Calll Me Maybe. So it was fun and we tried to get home by the last train. But some superdrunk Japanese partygirls came to us and said to shut up and not speak on the subway and they added in Japanese that people who don't speak Japanese shall leave Japan. (We've had some Japanese friends with us so we understood...) Well I got superoffended but in the end not much happened. Anyway so far instead of the sexually superhungry European lover Japanese dominas we have seen always the frustrated foreginerhater assholes. Yeeey.

Friday. There was a huge comic/manga exhibition at Odaiba so I went there to check out some cosplays and craziness ( I'm not interested in buying mangas but anyway.) Of course I couldn't reach my destination. :D Odaiba is an amazing place with a lot of nice things. Rainbow bridge, amazing train ride high above the ground a supermodern museum, amazing buildings, a huge robot from some crazy television series and stuff. So I've checked out these things and when I arrived to the manga festival it closed already. But I've seen incredible huge hangars completely full of manga books for the fans... lot of people with 30-40 newly bought thich manga books... so it was crazy. and the island is amazing. I've checked out a Toyota showcase, the mentioned museum, some nice buildings, this robot... but the most amazing thing was the bay and the shore at the sunset. The most romantic thing I've ever seen. Endless sandy shore with palm trees and in front of the beautiful rainbow bridge and loads of skyscrapers with their lights.. Wow! I really shamed that I couldn't bring here a girl it was sooo extremly beautiful. Later I'll upload some pics. It was marvelous. Later we met in the citycenter. Nearly all of the trainees and made a farewell party for two Norvegian guys. They were really nice and friendly and cool guys and btw the major womanizers here... and I understand while they showed a really really good example how you have to behave. So it was nice everyone was altogether we said or goodybe and it was a great night. But we came back with the last train.

Saturday. Hiking! Most of the people went on the Nikko trip. This we couldn't afford. 15000 yen... too much. so we traveled with some guys to the eastern Tama area checked out there the beautiful landscape and area, a very very nice limestone cave, a hot spring Onsen it was amazing. After the cave we got really really wet cos a really tropic rain caught us. The heaviest rain I've ever seen. And there was no bus or shelter we needed to walk in it. amazing experience. :D But later it was really great we checked out a small village and it's cultural festival where people were carrying a kind of altar and dancing and making music. I felt like on the National Geography or Discovery channel. Amazing experience. And also we've seen a very nice firework show.

Aaaand on Sunday we went to eastern Tama area checked out a beautiful shrine and a zoo. It was nice I've seen kangaroos and pandas. But again... Japanese people don't care about nature or animal... the pandas needed to suffer in kind of concrete box with 4 bare tree inside it with superlittle green. They were sleeping but still. In many nice spots they filled way too much animals inside I guess it was pretty uncomfortable for them. so it's nice to see these animals but I think they really don't care about them or how they feel inside. They just want to make sight out of them. Like at the cat cafés.

Tomorrow early get-up and we will go Nikko for 2 days. Just some guys without hotels or anything... just tent and try to make it as cheap as it is possible. We will see I hope it's gonna be fun. Past days were a blast. I loved it. I can write many pages and upload 1000pics... you cannot imagine these kind of miracles what we have lived through until you see/hear/sense it. I love it.

2012. augusztus 8., szerda

Nyakig ér a holiday...

So... first day off. I slept a lot. Till 10:30. I mean I've missed breakfast but it was ok... I really needed to sleep myself out. And I was not in a rush. I've put on some The Gathering records and started to make a plan... what to do in these two weeks. On the weekend most of the people will got Nikko... an amazing place with beautiful shrines. But it's not that close so it will be a 2 days trip... with food in restaurant, and drinking party, and smiley Japanese IAESTE organizers and... bullshit. I mean I really love these organizers they are friendly and polite and nice and everything... but they don't always consider that we don't have money. I mean... no, we didn't. The official Nikko trip costs 15000 yen... which is 150 euros. and it's a lot for two days and hall no I cannot afford this ( I've made some calculations today... probably in the last weeks I won't have any money to spend so I'll just stay all day in the dorm eating the food we get...).

I'm interested in the shrines and the cultural stuff... but I'm not interested in eating in restaurants, having drinking party, going to Sake factory ( I haven't tried out sake yet btw...) and stuff. So two days after the official trip with a friend of mine we'll go just two of us check out the shrines and sleep in a tent. We cannot afford more we are not Japanese, we have no money. But it's ok. And also I've made plans and trips for the weekend and during the weekdays I'll try to see from Tokyo as much as t's possible. Cos this city really huge and you can always visit a new garden, a new shrine or a new museum. A guy in the dorm told me that after 3 weeks I'll just bore this place and I'll find nothing interesting... well I guess he has the wrong idea.

Anyway I was a lilbit lazy today (you have to have some time sometimes just for yourself and stay a lilbit alone) so I went for sightseeing only late in the afternoon. I've bought some frozen pasta (cheapest thing) from the supermarket, threw out my garbage and lilbit made my stuffs more ordered. Afterwards I've checked out some shrines, statues, an orthodox church, and the East gardens of the Castle. I also wanted some museums but in the end I didn't have time for that. But every sights were nice. Later we went to Akihabara... there is a supernerd anime fan guy who basically lives there. It's a district ruled by the manga kommando and the slotmachine maffia... big neons, games, arcades, slot machines, anime shops, anime cafes, manga stores in 7-9-11 store buildings ultimately. Amazing. So this g33k guy who spends all his time there buying anime action hero figures did some guided tour for us. It was funny. But we've seen again some crazy stuff. Like an anime where... instead of legs the girls had 2nd world war airplanes instead of their legs. We've seen some cosplays, huge manga stores... btw one second stop. Manga = porn. No questions, it's not a statement it's a postulatum. Every freakin' manga girl is supersexy with short skirt big eyes and huge boobs... 90% dresses up like prostitutes... no matter what the story is... it's way too much filled with sexuality. And here comes the crazy stuff: In these huge comic book stores there are 18+ areas... which are technically located in more than 50% of the shop! And lot of people are there reading and searching hentai, and enjoying watching raped cartoon girls. Crazy. But there is something worse. We went to a DVD store where there was also a really really huge porn section. Aaaand. Well among the hardcore stuff we've found something totally sick. You can buy DVD's where 8-9-10 years old girls are. They are not fucking they are not naked... they are just playing with each other in the pool in bikinis and stuff. But man it's SO sick!!!! I mean in a way, here it's porn and... you can buy this video. Not to watch how a nice family in Japan works but because you have sexual fantasies... and it's ridiculous! I mean on the internet you can find anything. But here it is legal to sell in shops?

And also we've seen AKB 48 (a pop act... 48 Japanese girl. It's like take that... but in a stupid way) stores, (huge ones) where you can buy nothing but merchandise products of this band... you can buy AKB 48 donuts for 10 euros... Silly.

Anyway afterwards we just had a dinner and watched a movie. Oh there are some nice stories. There is a girl... she is hot. Like superhot. This typical wannabe hot girl... she doesn't like that good but still very ok (and among blind people the one eyed is the king) but she never comes to any event... she holds the nose very high and very proud and blablabla... stupidwhoe. Anyway one night she slept here in our dormitory. She went out for some drinks with one of our guys but got totally wasted.... puked in every train stop... nearly got hit by train and nearly arrested by police. The guy of course wanted to nail her... but gave her too much drinks so they just made out... and she got sick and in the end they just slept next to each other on the bed. Nice one. :D Aaaand there is an other story. There is a girl... super sharp dressed. Really she is amazing... always pays a lot of attention to look like someone came from the 30's or 40's... always pays attention on the perfect colors with earrings and clothes and lipstick and stuff. She likes one of my friends. And she is nice. Superfriendly and superpolite and nice. Travelled a lot, smiling a lot and bullshit... one of my friends said he hates her cos she is even more Japanese than the Japanese people. :D True. Anyway this superfriendly and supersmilingnicelady... is Catholic. Really really catholic... and it turned out that below the smiling nice shell she is really really radically right winged... finding nice and great the voice of Hitler, hating the jews and everything. She has a pretty radical point of view about how things going in the world. The friend of mine who she likes nearly got a shock when it turned out. So guys be aware of the nice people... everyone has a dark side and the dangerous ones are those guys who could hide that way too proper. :D Whatever. Tomorrow I'll continue sightseeing. Yeeey! And we'll see. But this day was fun. Lot of nice stuff, lot of crazy stuff... just a typical day in Tokyo... :D 

2012. augusztus 7., kedd

Tigers and giants

Today there was not too much to do. We've had an open campus so the uni was full with high school students. We also did some measurements and research... around lunchtime I had lunch with my labmates. I said they can choose a spot where to eat... so went to a Japanese restaurant! (What a surprise!!!!) But surprisingly the fish was pretty tasty and good. And also the rice and salad was really ok and there was also some cold pork.

Afternoon I was searching for a job... and later we've had a final meeting with a Chinese guy. It is pretty hard to get on with the Chinese people in the lab... they are very closed and for each other... I've never spoken with this guy but... well apart that he had kind of babybutt face he was nice and friendly. He spent here a month without doing any scientific research... he was just interviewing professors about exchange experiences and how many exchange students they have.... triing to make the friendship between Japan and China better. But as far  as I've heared from my prof it is not that easy... BC in a way for Chine Japanese technology is till kind of politically dangerous or something. Anyway he didn't get as big scholarship as we, and he had a great time he even gave me a postcard. Goodguy labmate.

Aaaand afterward we went to the Tokyo Dome to check out a baseball match! Yeeeey! Osaka Tigers VS Tokyo Giants. While our Japanese friends supported the Tigers we've also supported them... and it was amazing.

For me this was the first time ever I've been to any kind of professional sport event (and it was baseball... if someone would said it to me 10 years ago... I'd make a big laugh...). So when completely suddenly a couple of thousand die hard tigers fan out of nothing started to shout and sing I was fuckin amused! It was totally crazy. Japanese people... you know. Silent... sitting just there, gently smile... and when their players needed to hit everyone went totally wild and crazy... shouting screaming, singing, drumming, trumpeting... :D CRAZY! I guess how a metal concert here can be. Anyway the Dome was awesome. Really huge and modern and nice. Lot of people crazy fans (when their player needed to hit. In any other case they just sit polite and silent), lot of merch, shirts, hats, dolls... everything.

But. Baseball is one of the most boring games ever!!!! We've been waiting 3 whole hours just to see 2 = two scores! During 3 hours of game the 2 teams could make only 2 scores... so usually nothing happened just a guy threw away the ball, someone tried to hit it but couldn't, and a third guy caught the ball. Bahhh. But we've had fun... our friends and the company was great, and it was nice to sing and cheer with the crazy fans. And the dome had a huge, amazing roller coaster, and amusement elements, and Ferris wheel so it was really crazy, nice and amazing. But to catch the dinner we've left earlier. the final score was 1-1... so I guess we can be happy our team is 5th and the giants are the first. But for sure watching this game on tv can the most boring thing be ever. So here is one from some other Tigers:

And btw from now on 2 weeks of Vacation!!!! YeeeeeY!!!

2012. augusztus 6., hétfő

Hello Kitty!

So... today usual work... no plug transformer so my net possibilities were stricktly reduced during the day... but it's ok. I felt really sleep so I didn't do too much before noon. Afterwards we needed to do some work, polishing, measurements and stuff. Not too difficult... we've done it already a couple of times so we are getting better.
While we finished till 3pm we had some free time. The weather was really not the perfect... it was a rainy day. And here rain doesn't really refreshes the air... it is just hot water in the air. But anyway I didn't want to just sit in the office. But before we've left I've seen this video... made by the Italiano bastard Antonio from yesterday's happenings:

I mean... it's crazy. :D This guy is totally out of his mind, he is really cool. :D We already discussed some other movie projects for the future. But what is it for? Tomorrow we will go to check out a Baseball match. Tokyo has a very very famous baseball arena and there we will see it. Baseball is really really popular in Japan. Aaaand... there is a huge Ferris wheel and a roller coaster inside the stadium... :D Sweet.

Anyway today after work with the Irish guy we checked out a forest in the middle of Tokyo and the beautiful Shrine inside... it was really amazing. Like... Tokyo is totally crazy and amazing. There is a huge city with skyscrapers and everything... and suddenly there is a forest in the middle. With a lot of animals, and shrines and a peaceful atmosphere. It was really nice.

But the craziness started just afterwards. We visited a Cat coffee. What is a cat coffee? A coffee where you pay for 1 hour entrance 1000 yen and for an hour you can get some cats and you can pet them and cuddle with them. And meanwhile you can use WiFi, Nintendo wee, and the wending machine for free. We were the only tourists for some minutes.. the rest of the Japanese people thought this thing totally serious. Like... princess dressed up ladies spent there many hours just to  look at the cats... how cute they are... and try to get their attention. BC it is really not a good place for the cats. The most of them are really fed up with people and cuddling. Like.. we tried to pet them but usually they just went away and didn't really enjoy it. I mean they had toys and walls and it could be a cat paradise... but 8-10 hours of petting is just too much so they rather just tried to hide away. There was one who was all the time hiding inside a plastic bag... :D But ok it was fun. We played some Nintendo Wii, and had fun with the company, we've drank a lot of fine hot chocolate and coffee and the cats were also cute and pretty. So it was great. :D Once in a lifetime experience. Btw before coming to the cat coffee we visited a huge Hello Kitty store. the cutest stuff we could buy was a Hello Kitty potato piler... it was really nice. I have a pic with it... I felt like a princess... :P But not hello kitty is the most popular cat in Japan... but Doraemon. It is a very famous anime here... you can buy everything with Doraemon. He is a robotic cat from the future who helps a boy with a lot of strange stuff from his pocket and the future. He has no ears cos mice have eaten them. It's kind of Mézga család Japanese edition:

Later we came home, had a dinner and watched the movie called snatch. Tomorrow is work, than farewell party for a Chinese guy and afterwards the baseball match. Yeey! We supposed to study a baseball anthem but I haven't done it. Yet.

And here is something more. The blog has it's birthday. I've been in Tokyo for 1 whole month. Yeey. So the sad thing is that I have to leave (despite all my complaining I really love it here and I really would stay if I'd have much more money... I only miss just certain things and a small amount of people). So here are some statistics:

The most interesting the blog was for Hungarian people. In the all time readers statistics Hungarian readers have 313 page visits. Hatalmas köszönet mindenkinek, elnézést a nyelvért. :( The second place has Spain (What a suprise... :)))))) So a big greetings for everyone there Hola!!!!!! I hope to meet many of you soon. Spain has 114 views. Russia is the third place (78)... which can mean that my dear Anna and Anastasiia are interested in my stories... or that the Russian google can find this blog easily. Anyway I really miss the girls it has been a long time since we've left Finland I really hope they are doing great.  Fourth place is Finland (68) thanks a lot for Kaisa and the Paukkunen family I really hope everyone is having a great summer there. And the rest: USA (58) Germany (33) Turkey (21) and Singapore (20 - köszi Árpi, remélem jövőre Wackenben újra összefutunk). Honestly these statistics are not necessarily true... the blog was much much more frequently visited in the first week than afterwards... among the regular readers the list is: 1. Russia (!!!) 2. Hungary 3. Spain 4. Finland 5. USA 6. Germany 7. Singapore 8. UK 9. Austria. The most readed post was the first one... among the "normal" posts it was the one called: "It's a trap!" with 66 readings. Usually during the month every post was read somewhere between 20-40 times right now it's a lilbit less: 10-20 times per posts. Among the readers 43% uses google chrome (cos I'm the biggest reader of this blog...) 29% uses Firefox 8% uses internet explorer and I'd like to congratulate for the lucky person who have found it by using Netscape communicator. The pages were displayed 922 times by windows 115 times by Android and 86 times Mac.

So thank for everyone for the whole month reading... we still have one month to go. I hope many of you enjoy these stories I'll try to be as informative as I can. Big greets for everyone!

2012. augusztus 5., vasárnap

Shiva's Tears

Ok, the official plan didn't work out for today.
Like it was pretty hard to get up and despite I did it, I needed to realize that if I go for the hiking to the Eastern part of the city, the rest of my group has to wait for me 45 mins. It was much further than I expected. So I didn't go... sent them a message. and btw it was really really hot. Like it's hot everyday but seriously. 34-35 degrees 1000% humidity... this was the hottest day of the summer. It was really REALLY not hiking weather. So I slept a lilbit more and with the Italian, Irish and German guy went to a park close to our dorm... we organized there an all day picnic. Aaaaand it was great!

Like really relaxing... eating our food, playing baseball, cards, having snacks... make jokes, do a lot of stupid stuffs... :D We had great time. I mean I feel lilbit guilty... by not doing anything interesting and touristic... you can go to park also in Hungary. But it was great to hang out with my friends and in this hot weather you really don't want the crowd and the city center. The ice-cream was great also and later 5 more friends joined. So it was fun I'll upload later some pics and vids.

Oh and one funny thing. In there park there was a Japanese... "strange group"... who were a bunch of people dancing. Thy brought big drums and they were doing kind of strange moves...dances. They were kind of hippies and I'm sure they were doing this for spiritual reasons. Anyway we joined them and started to dance with them despite we were totally rookies. :D But it was funny they didn't get offended they were laughing a lot on/with us.

Later we had a dinner together and I started to watch a movie. While this is a dorm you cannot really do anything just alone... so till the end 5 of us were watching the movie. And some guys also made some push-up competition... which is quite nice.

So. Next week from Wednesday I'll get 2 weeks of vacation. Yeeey. So I can do all the visits/trips/museums that time. And I'll try to figure out maybe some hikings, Japanese alps or interesting stuff... we'll see. While the last Japanese vid was a success here is something from the opposite side: (starts from 1:50)

and here is a normal one... today I could speak with a great friend of mine, who I really miss Migue and showed this nice one. Ahh I really miss all the guys from the prev semester (especially a really non-online one)  we had such a great time. I wish soon I could see many of them. But it will be not that easy. :S

2012. augusztus 4., szombat


Ok, so today...
It was "sweet". It was an IAESTE program. We visited JAXA which is the Japanese NASA. Get up early, travel X hours, arriving to a small town district. First we've checked  out a science museum. It was nice. Mostly for children but these were interesting things. Ok, too many stuff in Japanese, but still. It was cute and nice. Biology, physics, stuff. We've seen some rocket models... pretty ok. We've had lunch at a Japanese restaurant... I could find some port so it had a happy ending.

Later we went to JAXA and checked out their exhibition. Well, Japan has shitload of money. I mean in Hungary we've just made our first Satellite... in Japan they had a huge exhibition about Japanese satellites, what they've done, lot of stuff to see, make photos, try out... it was really nice. Not too scientific but still cool. Of course everywhere there were cartoon characters... the space agency's mascot is a sea-lion. :D Sweet. Anyway it was pretty ok, we've had fun. Later we went to this... firework show. It was pretty amazing. 14000 rockets, of of colors, effects and everything. Here it's pretty not like in Hungary... smog remains at the place were the stuffs explode so it's not that easy to see anything. But it was pretty cool I liked it. Later we came back with the boys had a dinner and took a bath. BTW yesterday I couldn't make my presentation cos I missed the location. Amazing. So I didn't really have a great night but... whatever. In a big city like this these kind of things happen.

So tomorrow. The guys want to make a BBQ in a park close to here... but some girls want to go for a hiking. I'd rather go on that but... too early to get up... to much money on travel and things. We will see how I feel in the morning. I guess in the end I'll go I mean... you have to do crazy experiences and not just sitting with the boys. I realized I like to imitate people. Like... here are some really freaky guys and it's such a nice thing to parodize them. I know it's mean but still. Some guys are cool and real friendz but there are totally weird creatures. We are kind bunch of loosers in general but still. Some really make it on my top10 list. But know I'm too tired and too good guy to start to a make a list that who is why a faggot... it's much more fun if you do it in live. And everyone is nice and helpful just... some styles... some ideas are very strange and there are some really closed minded people what really doesn't help to get along in an internation company. But ok I guess in many ways I'm also pretty freaky so I have no rights to criticize anyone... I'm not better than anyone else.

So some other stuff. This was the first year I wasn't at Wacken. After 5 years. I just checked out some Testament songs on the livestream. In a way I really really miss it... in a way I totally not.

 We'll see what the future brings... but despite I'm much less into metal than I used to be I'm still sure this is still a part of my heart which will stand strong and which I cannot cancel or defy. Everyone has problems, fears, weaknesses... and despite here I'm the funny guy who can always make everyone laugh and are most of the time kind and nice I also have for myself my own bad stuffs. Right now I'm pretty... lost. Like... Growing up is difficult for me I guess. I have a totally crazy plan what do I want to do with who and when and how...but even if I'd tell it it would sound so freakin ridiculous and impossible...Past years I've done nothing just build up dreams again and again. Living in crazy countries, get into crazy group of people, leaving an unreal world. I guess I'm just addicted to it and I cannot stop. But I have to and if I stick my dreams and plans (what I usually do) I'd just fall because I'm over a level for what the possibility to reach is real. And there are other people also on who my dreams and plans depend on so...

I wish life would be as easy as I thought it is when I was 18. I feel I'm totally lost and I have no clue what to do. I know what I want but it is so difficult to make everything proper on the way... So I guess I'll go to sleep that's always a good choice. Btw I hear on the livestream that Dani Filth still cannot sing.  Nice. Anyway here is a vid which usually make me smile thanks for all the memes in it:

Aaand here is a nice article about Japanese animes... I think it is really amazing... :D


Sweat. But still I'm really not in a good mood. Personal stuff. :S

2012. augusztus 3., péntek


I was a little bit lazy with blog writing, but ok here we are again. So. On Wednesday night we went to the official IAESTE welcome party. Do not expect anything big... fortunately this time there were no 45 years old ladies dressed up Disney princesses, singing Japanese songs and we also didn't need to play chair conquer! Some university professors spoke about how great that we are here and the importance of the international friendships. We were served with sushi (what a surprise!!!), french fries (a real surprise... :)) and some beer. Everything disappeared very fast we needed to stand up on a stage and tell who we are and things like this. We needed to make origami (I am super untalented... 3-4 Japanese people helped me out and later the scumbag African guy stole my origami...) so it was fun.

But. While we've already been here for a month and at least the trainees know each other very good personally I found it funny that we have to again put on name cards and things... So while it's so boring to be always Marci from Hungary I've written the name: Pierre on my card, picked up a nice French accent and tried to convince everyone that I'm Pierre from France. It was nice some of my friends found it funny especially when I introduced myself on the stage also as Pierre from France. :) But ok, later for the Japanese ones who were really interested and wanted to add me on fb I told my real name. And they didn't add me afterwards... :D

Thursday we didn't need to do anything in the lab cos the machine was broken. So we visited Edo museum. It is really nice. But really big. We've spent there 2 and a half-3 hours and it was not really enough. But there were a lot of very nice and interesting things about the history of Tokyo and how people lived here many years ago. We've had a very lovely guide, and old Japanese guy who was really really friendly.

And afterwards we went for some clubbing partiing. It was really not that good. The beginning so-so... but they were cheating really bad on the drinks and later we went to an other club where you can dance... and it was horrible. So amazingly crowded that you really couldn't enjoy your time. This thing, that in Japan you can pick up chicks easily of you are a foreigner is just not true... if you are a womanizer you can, if you are a looser here you are still the same looser... there was a guy who was totally bet and kicked during the night by girls.. without any reason.

And after some sleep today we came to the lab to do experiments again. In the afternoon I planned to go to museums but I was tired and at 8 there will be an IAESTE meeting where I'll have to make a presentation about Hungary. I'll show this video:

BTW I'm really not sure how much interested any of you is in Japanese pop culture... but here is a video from the group which is recently the most famous here:

Amazing... :D

2012. augusztus 1., szerda


So here are some pics from the last couple of days. Today we couldn't find the guy who we supposed to speak so I became a time millionaire. So I was searching for some jobs and uploaded the pics:





Unfortunately we can start working in any second so today we couldn't make sightseeing. But there'll be a welcome party soon. Afterwards when I return to the dorm I won't be too sleepy maybe I'll write a normal post also.

2012. július 31., kedd

Pink beatles in a purple zeppelin

Probably some of you have noticed that yesterday there was no new post on the blog. It would be nice if I could say a good excuse why... but I have no. We just went for a beer in the night with the guys in the dorm aaaand... well after returning it was better not to go online. :D

So.. Yesterday I was pretty tired still after Mt. Fuji. We didn't need to do anything cos the guy disappeared who we needed to work with. Anyway it was Monday, so every parks and museums were closed. And I was so tired and sleepy that I just slept on my desk at the school. But... We've found a nice place where having a beer with some friends is very very good priced. So after school we went there to have a talk, watch the olimpic games with some guys. Aaaand there were some funny stories. We went with the irish guy, the german and the italian and it was just hilarious. While we were searching for the place a lilbit older, well dressed black guy came to us if he can help what are we searching for. He could help and afterwards the italian guy started to shout: that's what I love in Tokyo. You don't know something and suddenly a friendly Japanese NIGGA come and help you out..." It was way too loud. Anyway we've had fun. the place was empty we were singing Backstreet boys but most of the times they played hip-hop and RnB. Like this:

Ok, not. The place was totally empty. But still it was cool. Heading home was funny the Italian guy threw out next to a hippy musician on the street (who we set next to) and than he started to shout and run away, so I have no idea how he could end up in the dorm.

Today waking up was really really hard but I was at the uni from 10 am till 7 pm. Yeay! But I've had 3-4 hours free time so I went to the Zoo to check it out. And it was amazing! Like... I really like it. First of all I love animals. And finally I could see with my own eye giant pandas, polar bear and things like this. I really loved it. If I1ll have some time in the end I'll go once more cos I really needed to hurry. And I've seen the cutest and most adorable animal of the planet: The red panda. It's incredible. The only problem was that it was really really hot. But whatever. I just feel shame for the animals in the zoo. I'm pretty sure that they are suffering there... like for a polar bear this 100% humidity with the 33 degrees can be nothing but the hell.

Rest of the day was just working. My mp3 player broke. Aaand I've copied a lot of pics to my computer. I haven't put pics in the past couple of days online... maybe it will change. But to sort the pics will take a lot of hours and right now I'm too tired for that. Anyway all day long this song was in my head:

And the one which appears at the end of the post. Now life is a lilbit more silent and calm here which is not that bad. If I'll have time I'll try to do more sightseeing tomorrow. Later we will have a kind of welcome party... I guess we will get fish. I'm so bored of fish... amazing. Every single day we get fish. Before Japan I didn't even eat it... now it's a must. And I've heard a rumor that I'll get a day off from work on Friday. We'll see. Gosh, the lyrics are way too perfect...

2012. július 29., vasárnap

A tale that wasn't right.

So.. trip to mount Fuji! Yeeeey! Well, it sound amazing. And I can make it sound even better: Hiking to one of the most beautiful peaks of the world, with good company... on the top checking out as the sun rises from below where you are. It comes out majestically from beneath the sea of clouds... Afterwards visiting a shrine... Sounds lovely isn't it?

Well everything is true, but the reality is pretty disappointing. Unfortunately this trip was... well, not a mistake but it was nearly not half as good as it sounds. Mount Fuji is high. Like super high. More then 3700 meters and it's volcanic so on the top you find nothing but stones and rocks. We arrived to 2300 meter, around 7-8 pm... where we needed to wait  for the organizers who brought us the headlights and the gloves. We decided to climb in the night to check out the sunrise from the top. The beginning was great. Forest, friends, wide roads, nice weather... but  soon the forest ended and you needed to climb 1300 meters high over a stony wasteland. Stones... nothing but stones. The route was totally  artificial... just a zigzag with some rest houses, in where, for a huge amount of money you could have some relaxing time. 

But the biggest problem was... the crowd. I like to say this sentence: I love Tokyo but I don't like Japan. Crowd is something really Japanese thing. No matter where you go there is crowd. I remember my mom said for Malgrad De Mar (Spain) that it's a touristic factory. NO!!!! Mt. Fuji 2012.07.28 midnight: That is the tourist factory!!!! I mean... it was amazing. Mt. Fuji is a symbol. Symbol of Japan. Everybody wants to hike there, and the sport companies make you believe: that no matter who you are, with proper shoes and equipment you can hike and "reconquer Japan". NO! This hill is 3700 m high and the road is very rough! It is NOT for everyone. Only for people, who are strong or have stamina or experience for these kind of things. There were shitload of people on the very very narrow path. But seriously, a really really huge amount. Like in a music festival or on the Csiksomlyói Búcsú. Nearly everyone in Japan wants to climb Mt. Fuji. Which is nonsense. A 60-70 years old grandma or a 6 years old boy cannot do it. Sorry I'm lying... yes they can. In a lot of hours with a lot of suffering. We climbed to the top in 5-6 hours. And most of this time was nothing but queuing. Seriously. It  was not like you are climbing a mountain comfortably in your tempo. You were one person in a really big amount of people who were trying to climb one by one and everyone a grandma, a child or anyone had problems you needed to stop and wait for 5-10-15 minutes. Seriously I stopped to wait people in front of me during this trip, more often then I did actual hiking. It was amazing. 

Hungarian people, do you remember West Balkán? Here it is not existing. Always more people can fit in everywhere and they really don't care how crowded something is. No, the hiking was really not fun because it was supercrowded. PR and advertising is incredible here and unfortunately they really can make believe people who CANNOT climb mountains, that yes they can, if they pay money. There were big amount of 30 people rookie tourist groups, with leaders and everything who were suffering up... and now let's stop for a second.

Our group was lovely. BUT. Some really cool and friendly and awesome people came with us, who I really really like as a person... but because they came from countries where they had no opportunity for hiking or they are super not sporty they had many many problems with climbing. Guys, girls? Why did you come? I mean: really? There were people on the route who needed oxygen at around 2800 meters!!! Every year many people die trying to climb the mount Fuji. We've had friends who could climb up 3-4 hours more than me or my friends did (And we were sleeping 1 hours at 3400 meters, next to a toilet cos we didn't want to reach the top so early and froze to death on the top while we are waiting for the sunrise).  Was it fun for them? I don't think so. Was it fun for the people who could climb slower because of them? No I don't think so.

And here comes the question. Am I mean, because I am angry on the 60-70 years old Grandmas who just tries to "capture" her own country? She is suffering on Fuji! Hiking and climbing is not fun for her! And the problem that she disturbes 100 other hikers and takes over their fun also by "not being able to hike proper". I mean... Hiking and mountain climbing is for fun. You mustn't do it just to capture hills and show up how high you could go. It has to be about having fun while you are doing sports. But Japanese people totally not get it. For them I think it's kind of "Mekka..." A challenge what they must take or I don't know. but I'm sure that the nature and the hiking and the climbing... is not about the fun. And it leads again forward... I'm seriously not sure if they know what fun is or know how to have fun. 

But whatever. Yeah, I queued up to Fuji, on the top it was really really cold and windy I was freezing like hell despite all my warm clothes so I checked out the sunrise took some pictures and we went down. The view was really not spectacular cos you didn't see anything. All around there were only clouds. The sunrise was nice but... you were freezing so despite it was beautiful you couldn't really enjoy it. No It not true. I am glad and happy I could be there it was fantastic and the view was till amazing. But still... But again the road down was the most boring hiking route ever... A zigzag downwards across a red stone desert. Mt. Fuji is beautiful when you look at the pic on my blog's background but... it's a lie. I've been here for a whole month and I haven't seen Mt. Fuji yet. It's always cloudy and foggy here, so you cannot see far away. You cannot see the hill. And when you are up on it you just realize that because of it's height and it's volcanic stuff the top is just a boring desert. Where the forest starts... there are the parking spots and the busses. And we didn't have time to hike in the forests. 

And one more super annoying thing. This whole place is a national park and part of the UNESCO World's heritage. BC the weather is very changeable I took a lot of stuff. clothes, food, drinks... many things. On the whole trip there was NOT A SINGLE TRASH-BIN! Not on on the top not on the bus park not on the bottom not at the houses... nowhere. No trash-bins. It is a big problem also in Tokyo... you cannot find a single trash-bin nowhere but this is ridiculous. We went to the hotel workers and the leaders of this touristic areas just to ask where can we found a trash-bin and they told us that there are no trash-bins here. NO! NOT A SINGLE ONE! In 24 hours more than 2000 people appeared at Mt. Fuji and there was not a single trash-bin for them.

So again... Japan is a strange world. Extreme mountain climbing tourism... trash problems... and diverse feelings. Ok, it was really great and nice to climb to the top of Mt. Fuji but I don't really recommend it to anyone. If one day there will be kind of birth control here or not everything will be supercrowded or ban out pensioners, small children, pregnant women and stuff from extreme hiking routes, probably it will be a better experience. But Japanese people don't mind the crowd and to wait and stand in line... so here we are again. Japan is really closed and it is really really not opened for tourists or outsiders. If you want to enjoy Japan: be a Japanese!

2012. július 27., péntek

Back to the Heavyweight Jam

Yesterday we partied it was super ok. We could make it for a really acceptable price. At the place 80% were boys but still we had fun and we were pretty cheerful. But today's work... was not really effective for many of us. :D One guy lost his glasses and wallet, he slept on a toilet at a metro station, an other one slept 3 hours on a train... so things here just happen. :D

Anyway after couple of hours sleep I went to work. It was ok. We did some experiments and afterwards I've had a lunch. It was a totally different campus but it was the best cafeteria ever! They had grilled chicken, french fries (I missed it SOOOO much!!!) and European food. It was cool to eat it after 24/7 Japanese food. :) Later I came back to the dorm. And went to say bye to Nick, a Serbian guy. He is really really cool we will miss him. Yesterday he was crazy he always made a lot of space in the superovercrowded club... so all the Japanese were angry on him. And he enjoyed it. :) So we said bye and now I'll go to sleep.

Tomorrow mount Fuji trip. I got shoes (they are small like hell), and I'll still have to buy some stuff and make sandwiches! Yeeeay! But hopefully I won't die there and it's gonna be great. We'll see.

2012. július 26., csütörtök

Party rock is in the house tonight!

Sooooooo tonight we're gonna make some big meeting and hanging out and partiing. Cos tomorrow I'll have to go to work to 1 pm! Yeeeeeey!

Btw please forget all the bullshit of yesterday what I've been speaking about Japanese people. They are really friendly and nice They also lend me some shoes for the hiking of the weekend. Yeey. anyway I'm the dumbass cos I didn't bring shoes from Hungary. So today there was again at 8:00 a lab meeting... waking up-early being tired... But I don't know. I slept afterwards 30 mins and that was enough now I'm not that bad or sleepy. Whatever. We made some experiments and measurements it was nice. With my lab colleagues we played some table tennis in the afternoon. It was really nice. I got pretty sweaty but we had fun. I thought they'll be better but still it was enjoyable game they really liked that I played a lilbit better than them. They play totally different than us. Always try to hit curves and spinning balls. We had fun!

Aaand soon we are heading out for partiing. We didn't invite some guys... who we really don't like. I mean there are some serious douches not much but with some people just noone can get along. But the rest of us will have hopefully a great night all the cool guys from the dorm will go. BTW It seems that the company is pretty awesome here with the Irish guy, German guy we are pretty cool friends and also the African guy, the Italian guy, the Belgian guy are pretty cool. So we have fun. BTW yesterday we took a bath. Here it's like sauna. Japanese people love it. It a big pool of incredible hot water where people go to sit in... and do nothing. It's nice and fun to relax, chill out and speak with your friends about stupid things. Of course everyone is fully naked but still it's nice.

So let's go!

2012. július 25., szerda

Winners and loosers

Yesterday there was no post. It has one very simple reason: The internet went out in the dorm. But now it's back...

So here we are. Past days were usually about the work. Yesterday needed to do quite much stuff we were in a campus far away and polished all day long Aluminium for some experiments. The food was expensive and bad... BTW it's ridiculous. I mean in Hungary you go to the canteen and... there are a lot of food. Like... you can choose Italian, Hungarian, German, or anything. Here you only have Japanese food. Nothing else. Amazing... And the variety is really not big. That's life. Rice and fish. Later we went to a Honda exhibition... my college and the African guy told it's gonna be fun... it wasn't. Like... ok in a way it was. Nice cars, new technologies, nice motorbikes some robots but nothing special. It's pretty difficult to find an open exhibition or museum after 5 here. :( Anyway I did some sightseeing and walking alone and grabbed some beer with friends. And it was nice and interesting. I mean. Here are lot of cool people from all over the world. And also some jackasses hehe. Anyway I spoke with a Serbian guy who went to study to the US at one of the best unis of the world... financing everything from scholarship and having a great life. Like... he needed to finish in really really great positions in study competitions so he must be supertalented... but not a g33k. A normal guy, works out, has a girlfriend, fun to talk with him and like incredible smart. And could make a nice life... he was brave had the courage and ended up in Frisco. Maaan. It would be great to go there. States. Well we will see.

Anyway today again it was again a more or less uni day. We needed to stay there and every hour put some nitrogen into a machine... but it was not a big work I said to my polish collegine to go for sightseing I'll handle that. I needed to sleep, write some music stuff and do some jobsearch. Hellyeah. Afterwards we went to some sushi party... it was a farewell to someone... but I didn't figure out for who. Anyway... sushi is not that fun so... I just eat a very very small piece. And came home for a proper dinner. On the weekend we will hike to Mt Fuji and we will climb to the top. I need to get shoes for that. I have some troubles... But I'll try to get. I mean... it's a must to do it. We will see. But I thought I can just borrow some training shoes from someone from the laboratory... But man. Japanese people...
Whatever. Here is a nice one because my friend Göcsei Gábor is scumbag.

2012. július 23., hétfő

Higher we go!

I mean literally. But before... I've heard some comments about the grammar errors of the blog. Sorry for that. It's not because I'm drunk or high... it's bc I have very limited time, I'm in a rush and I don't have time to recheck my stuff proper. and usually I make a lot of typing mistakes. And also BC I'm lame.

So. Today was the first nothing to do day. Perfect for job search! But I couldn't concentrate on that we were waiting for the professors and discussing the weekend... how drunk were the people and the crazy stuffs what happened. so here are some of them:

Sat night some guys stayed at around the karaoke stuff and they were drinking a lot. They've met some Australians and went with them back for two hours to karaoke and drink and party. So one of the guys totally lost his camera (later they've found it... it's Tokyo not Budapest), his jacket and everything.. but he has no memories of the night. He woke up at 11 am... on a train. Which was going all around Tokyo... he was sleeping on it for 6 hours. An other guy so drunk that only the security could get him on the train... some other fell asleep at the station while standing and he woke up cos he felt in front of his face to the ground... some other climbed illegally a skyscraper by a fireladder and watched on the top the sunrise... So it was nice. And on Sunday a guy and a girl had a date... which was really a secret thing but it was really funny cos afterwards we've met the guy and he was like: wooow it was so great. And the girl we asked today and she said: Fuuu the guy is such an asshole. :D (BTW we also don't really like him.) So there were plenty of things to talk about but I feel guilty I didn't use my time well. Anyway after lunch I went to sightseeing.. which was a bad idea cos it's Monday and everything was closed. The only open museum was a Kite museum... which is as lame as it sounds. No it is a lilbit even more lame. Anyway.. I've checked out a really old and famous bridge and I've gone to the 45th floor of a government building to 202m height... so check out the sunset in Tokyo. It was amazing, trust me! And this is it. I love this city. It is hilarious. You look around and it is a fuckin' metropolis. Skyscrapers and city and lights and neon and people everywhere as far as you can see. It is so living such an amazing sight you cannot really describe it. This city is really really special and wonderful. But the Japanese lifestyle, and people and culture and especially the way of living is really way too freaky and sad for me. Her religion or family is just a tradition. Work is everything. You start to work and have no holiday and have to go to work also on Saturdays and Sundays and it's like... pfff. But you know that's why you are here. the see different things. And it's amazing. Later we did not too much just a quick dinner and watched some videos with the guys here. Freaky Japanese videos like this:

Horrible people horrible. Anyway here is something nicer:

2012. július 22., vasárnap

Vamos a la playa!

We went with my lab colleges to a small village at the seaside. It was exactly like this:

Ok... not. It was totally different. First we went to a bearing factory (csapágy magyarul).. which was totally pointless for me. We've listened to presentation in Japanese and I've visited the factory where they produce bearings... which I have really nothing to do cos I'm an electrical engineer. But my ploish college who is a mechanical engineer was really crazy and enthusiastic. Anyway... at least the food was nice and everyone was friendly and there were some interesting robots and techniques so.,.. it was ok.

I'd like to write a lot... I have a lot of memories and thoughts... but I have no time. Sorry. Really. This is like Finland... but twice as intensive. Like really have no time for myself, to wash, to eat proper, to be alone, to listen to music or write the blog. We left friday morning and till sat night I was on this trip. Sat immedietly I've met some friends at the city center than celebrated the birthday of a Japanese girl... I arrived back totally dead around one am slept 10 hours and today was allday sightseing with friends and afterwards dinner together and chat together til 0:30. I love it. It is nice to be all the time with people but it's really tireing and exhausting. For 2 months it's great but afterwards I'll really enjoy to be alone for some days.

So quickly. I shared a room with 3 Japenese guys one was my professor. It was Japanese styleromm... so no beds sleep on the floor sit on the floor and stuff. Here the teachers are really friendly with the students and while it was really really rainy we were just sittiing inside or go to the beach, I visited a museum and we were all together drinking. I've learned how to play mahyong, in the night we've done some fireworks, and I needed to play a trad game where my eyes were blinded and I needed to follow instructions and try to beat a melon with an iron stick. :D Crazy. Afterwards everybody got drunk and we've played jenga and games. the food was nice. Next day I've take a swim in the ocean (20degrees the air 15 the water) it was really great to swim and move again... after some football on the beach (I sucked really bad) and things like this. It was really cool. And we've had a sealunch... which was horrible. I know I1m in Japan I need to adapt the culture... but NO!!!! Horrible! People are you stupid? In hungary for this shit people would pay lot of thousands of forints!!! The most dead thing on my table was the sushi!!!! I needed to eat raw fish... while it was staring at me with it's dead head and eyes. I needed to eat shrimp... by cutting it's head off and eat it. It looked totally alive. Not baked or anything. Like cut down the head of a pig and eat it raw! Horrible! And disguisting I couldn't do that. Start to cut off the head and some liquid come out and bubbles go inside the animal and you want to eat it... bahh! And also seasnail which you need to get out buy a totthpick... ahh. I know it's luxury and elegant and delicious... but sorry the food is baked or roasted or cooked and it's not whatching you while you are eating it!

But the trip was really great. 2 chinese, 1 hun, 1 polish and 15 Japanese... so the languieage was a bit problem. But everyone was really helpful and freindly. It was crazy that a chinese girl looks like 14 but she is already 27... but it's pretty usual for Asian people. They look really really young. No idea why. especially in Japan. Few food few sllep lot of work... and everyone lives long. And they drink lot of cofe and energy drink.

anyway yesterday was party and stuff. we've went to a karaoke place... which was not really good cos it's really expensive (13 euors per hour) and it's a small box for just you and your friends. But you can drink as much as you can. But I was really tired and my stomach was not good after the raw octopus and stuff so I went home around midnight and slept 10 hours. Some guys stayed and they'e had a crazy night I'll tell stories personally if some of you are interested... :D Amazing.

And today: Skytree. Worlds second tallest building. It was foggy we went only 350 meters but it was nice and a great feeling. Afterwards checked out some temples and shrines... amazing and beautiful and we've eaten some traditional Japanes food in a restaurant where every table had a hot spot in the middle where you neededto bbw you own food. :D It was hilarious. But good. and at night I've found a suopemarket (I thousght his things here doesn't exist) and gcould finally buy bread and butter and ham!!!! And I've eaten finally a nice and good dinner! But it is really expensive here. So propable I'll have to eat microwave shit as usual that's the cheapest. Sorry I have not too much time for more details. But I have so many impressions and feeling and thoughts. And in some days I1ll upload shitload of pics. And today I've seen a moomin café! Hooray!!!
Anyway I'm incredible lucky and blessed and fortunate that I could participate in such awesome and miraculous things in this weekend I did. Like swiming in pac ocean and doing there crazy things with Jap university students. :D And being in the world's tallest building... kill your shrimp and bake in the middle of your table your own food... :D People it is amazing! It is a miracle a blessing it's undicripable. I am very very very thankful that all these crazy things happening to me. It is really something special and a great treasure! AMAZING!!!

2012. július 19., csütörtök

Party for everybody!

I mean: "Shit just got real." Ok. First one and a half weeks passed. It was a nice time we started to get to know each other. Cool. But I think the point slowly came when we already found each other... clicks are starting to form... friendships/enemyships. You know the other people you know who you wan to hang out with you know how you want/can do it... So things from now on will start to get interesting.

I mean we are a communitee. At least here. IAESTE trainees from all over the globe. Sweet. But it's like... nearly all of the boys are living in the same (male) dorm.. and the girls are separated. They are living in female dorms and also they are separated from each other.. Like girls are living in different dorms. About the guys. Nearly everyone is cool. Ok, there are the Chinese guys with who you cannot really do anything cos... it's just like a click. But they are like cool with each other we cannot really interact with them. There is a really freaky guy who... who I guess believes that he has invented the Spanish wax... He is way too much and he is a mayor asshole. Noone likes him but a Croatian guy... but slowly his illusion will also fade away. So there is a really freaky African guy (but he is cool), an Irish guy, a German Guy (he can be kinda bro, he is really cool), an Italian guy, and me.Actually it's a nice combination. And today there was a big meeting for the exchanges. Like.. the university organized us a party. A pretty small one... but it was a party. With some trad food and a very little beer... and the opportunity to get to know newpeople. So we've met this Austrian IT guy... who was finally the guy who could tell us all the infos we needed. Like: Cheap bars, chaep clubs, nice places, way to get to know Japanese girls and stuff... I mean sightseeing and being a tourist a thing. Working here is an other. Both of them are really really important. But in a way... You know it's Japan. Here are guys who lives thousands of km-s away. Why the bloody hell should anyone come to Japan? If you have a nice and stable girlfriend and a cool job why do you come so far? Trust me this place is really not full of the people who are this manga crazy Japan freaks... They are usually so stupid that they can never ever visit their beloved country. Here I see desperate guys who has now idea what to do and they want to have some fun and crazy experiences. And while friendships are forging I really hope that the next weeks will bring this to most of us.

And about the girls: Yeah... there are some. Many Polish, no mediterranian, some Japanese, and so on... It's gonna be interesting cos everything is pretty colorful... Like there are these "woodenvaginas", "queens of traineeships", "Hot chick wannabe"-s... So there will be a lot of nice stories. I've already heared a couple of really crazy stories from the African guy. And of course there are some districts and bars where usually foreigners and Japanese people try to get together... so the best is yet to come. At least I hope so. Anyway I'll tell the stories later Now I've gottago. BTW the party was the lamest party ever. Like... I1m a 24 years old Electrical engineer with a Master degree... and as a welcome event the university dressed up the kitchen in Disney style and the professors were doing speeches in top of a podium with Disney princesses... there were Japanese old ladies singing Disney songs while 10 years old Japanese children dressed up like Disney characters were dancing and holding Winne The Pooh pictures... I mean... seriously man WTF? It's cute and nice... you can play this chair conqueor game but... really? This is a program in one of the world's best university for 14 years old engineers? I'll post a youtube video online about it... it's just ridiculous. Ok it's nice they put a lot of effort but maaan. Japanese people have no idea how to live.

So tomorrow two day trip with my lab colleges... 4 girls 15 boys... everyone is Japanese... only food is fish. It's gonna be... an experience. :D 


2012. július 18., szerda

Rød grød med fløde

Do you remember that yesterday I was complaining about the hot weather? Well... today it was even worse. amazing. 37-38 degrees with 100% humidity. Local people are going to work in ties and shirts and suits... I am dying in shorts and T-shirts. I understand why they are workaholics... they have air conditioning at the workplace!

So... we've went to work to 11... when they told us to wait till 13... which was a pity. Cos if they'd tell this before we could do some sightseeing. Maybe tomorrow... :S But our schedule is pretty chaotic so it is really not easy to fit in some cultural program. Anyway I was seeking for jobs and we've done experiments till 6 pm. We've had 1 hour break when we've checked out the pond of the campus...

It is amazing. The university is spercool supernice, superpretty and modern... and it still has a bond with a lot of fishes. The problem is that they have a lot of mosquitos or really really small insects... which like me. A lot. I've spent there only 15minutes but afterwards my body was full of really big white bites and spots... at least with 20. I guess I have some kind of allergic reaction. I looked horrible. But in 2 hours everything disappeared. But meanwhile I needed to scratch myself a lot.

After today's measurements we've had a dinner and meeting in a park. The Irish guy, the German Guy, me, a polish girl, a Japanese girl and a Danish girl. “Rød grød med fløde” Right? Anyway it was really nice, to speak about some familiar topics and I've been discussing a lot about Japanese relationships with the Japanese girl. It is totally weird. Here if you ask a girl out for a date you have to do it at least 6 times and afterwards ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. No kisses or anything before. If she says yes, you can get together... but you already have to start to think about marriage. Wow! But most of the people doesn't have a relationship.. cos it's too complicated and it's not really suitable with the work. :D Tomorrow I'll have to do a life presentation at 8:00 so let's go to sleep! I wanted to write more about Japanese food but I'll do it later.