Ok, so today...
It was "sweet". It was an IAESTE program. We visited JAXA which is the Japanese NASA. Get up early, travel X hours, arriving to a small town district. First we've checked out a science museum. It was nice. Mostly for children but these were interesting things. Ok, too many stuff in Japanese, but still. It was cute and nice. Biology, physics, stuff. We've seen some rocket models... pretty ok. We've had lunch at a Japanese restaurant... I could find some port so it had a happy ending.
Later we went to JAXA and checked out their exhibition. Well, Japan has shitload of money. I mean in Hungary we've just made our first Satellite... in Japan they had a huge exhibition about Japanese satellites, what they've done, lot of stuff to see, make photos, try out... it was really nice. Not too scientific but still cool. Of course everywhere there were cartoon characters... the space agency's mascot is a sea-lion. :D Sweet. Anyway it was pretty ok, we've had fun. Later we went to this... firework show. It was pretty amazing. 14000 rockets, of of colors, effects and everything. Here it's pretty not like in Hungary... smog remains at the place were the stuffs explode so it's not that easy to see anything. But it was pretty cool I liked it. Later we came back with the boys had a dinner and took a bath. BTW yesterday I couldn't make my presentation cos I missed the location. Amazing. So I didn't really have a great night but... whatever. In a big city like this these kind of things happen.
So tomorrow. The guys want to make a BBQ in a park close to here... but some girls want to go for a hiking. I'd rather go on that but... too early to get up... to much money on travel and things. We will see how I feel in the morning. I guess in the end I'll go I mean... you have to do crazy experiences and not just sitting with the boys. I realized I like to imitate people. Like... here are some really freaky guys and it's such a nice thing to parodize them. I know it's mean but still. Some guys are cool and real friendz but there are totally weird creatures. We are kind bunch of loosers in general but still. Some really make it on my top10 list. But know I'm too tired and too good guy to start to a make a list that who is why a faggot... it's much more fun if you do it in live. And everyone is nice and helpful just... some styles... some ideas are very strange and there are some really closed minded people what really doesn't help to get along in an internation company. But ok I guess in many ways I'm also pretty freaky so I have no rights to criticize anyone... I'm not better than anyone else.
So some other stuff. This was the first year I wasn't at Wacken. After 5 years. I just checked out some Testament songs on the livestream. In a way I really really miss it... in a way I totally not.
We'll see what the future brings... but despite I'm much less into metal than I used to be I'm still sure this is still a part of my heart which will stand strong and which I cannot cancel or defy. Everyone has problems, fears, weaknesses... and despite here I'm the funny guy who can always make everyone laugh and are most of the time kind and nice I also have for myself my own bad stuffs. Right now I'm pretty... lost. Like... Growing up is difficult for me I guess. I have a totally crazy plan what do I want to do with who and when and how...but even if I'd tell it it would sound so freakin ridiculous and impossible...Past years I've done nothing just build up dreams again and again. Living in crazy countries, get into crazy group of people, leaving an unreal world. I guess I'm just addicted to it and I cannot stop. But I have to and if I stick my dreams and plans (what I usually do) I'd just fall because I'm over a level for what the possibility to reach is real. And there are other people also on who my dreams and plans depend on so...
We'll see what the future brings... but despite I'm much less into metal than I used to be I'm still sure this is still a part of my heart which will stand strong and which I cannot cancel or defy. Everyone has problems, fears, weaknesses... and despite here I'm the funny guy who can always make everyone laugh and are most of the time kind and nice I also have for myself my own bad stuffs. Right now I'm pretty... lost. Like... Growing up is difficult for me I guess. I have a totally crazy plan what do I want to do with who and when and how...but even if I'd tell it it would sound so freakin ridiculous and impossible...Past years I've done nothing just build up dreams again and again. Living in crazy countries, get into crazy group of people, leaving an unreal world. I guess I'm just addicted to it and I cannot stop. But I have to and if I stick my dreams and plans (what I usually do) I'd just fall because I'm over a level for what the possibility to reach is real. And there are other people also on who my dreams and plans depend on so...
I wish life would be as easy as I thought it is when I was 18. I feel I'm totally lost and I have no clue what to do. I know what I want but it is so difficult to make everything proper on the way... So I guess I'll go to sleep that's always a good choice. Btw I hear on the livestream that Dani Filth still cannot sing. Nice. Anyway here is a vid which usually make me smile thanks for all the memes in it:
Aaand here is a nice article about Japanese animes... I think it is really amazing... :D
Sweat. But still I'm really not in a good mood. Personal stuff. :S
You're not alone in this "I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with my life" thing. Sometimes even I envy the morons of my town that never studied or went far from the border of the city. They just have a few options where to chose, so is far easier.