Yesterday there was no post. It has a very simple reason I was out all day-all night. So. We went to Kamakura. Of course I was sleeping till very very superlast second so I couldn't make too many preparations but it was cool. So one and a half hour of travelling, using the train and stuff but it totally worth it. Cos Kamakura was awesome. IT is part of the world heritage and there are a huge amount of churches, shrines there and really really beautiful landscapes. And of course the pacific ocean. It was really refreshing and nice to be out of the city... and really... these statues and monuments are just simply great. I can say that I'm really lucky that I could see so wonderous things. It was a really, really beautiful experience with the giant Buddha statue and everything. I've uploaded some pics on fb. We were in separate groups but it was really a nice experience cos we could meet finally more trainees. We are not living in the same dorm... just with some guys so it is always nice to meet new people ore more people. BC we were in different groups we also mixed and could talk to many new people. There were also Japanese organizers... in numbers much more than the trainees... But it was really really difficult to speak with them. Cos they do not really speak English. But they were friendly of course. And there were some really really cute girls among them. Anyway... Pics on FB. I've met a Hungarian girlchoir during the day... it was weird to hear Hungarian. A little I miss my language.
Afterwards we went to a drinking party. This is the most convenient way to have fun in Tokyo. People are making drinking parties. It's two hours of staying at a fancy place... and you can drink as much as you want. Ok. For them it's a little bit of strange or different.,.. cos they drink 2 beers and they are drunk. So they don't need to and they are really polite and stuff... But we with some guys were doing it for real and we tried to make the most out of these hours. We were playing games, havin' talks it was fun. One girl got completely wasted and the waiters were really angry with the Japanese organizers... but with us they were supernice.
Later it was pretty difficult but we could find each other in the city with a German guy, a Belgian guy, and two Japanese girls and we went for clubbing. First clubbin Tokyo juhúú! But it was not THAT good. It was really expensive it was supercrowded and... I got offended cos some black security guys were not really polite with the German guy. Her you can dance on the stage...or podium only if you are a girl. It was good and nice but not something special or really spectacular. But a little we had fun. But I think I was a lilbit rude at some point.
So today just sleeping and relaxing. I needed some time alone. Tomorrow national holiday so it will be sightseeing. Here are some pics:
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