Today was the first working day. Yeeeeay! So I wanted to wake up early and do some touristc stuff... But I couldn't. I woke up... took a shower, dressed up, get prepared and stuff... and all beforenoon disappeared. So I needed to go at 1 to a station to meet Juki and a polish girl and we went to PSOAS. For the unlucky one who don't have a clue wtf is psoas.. they organize the housing and dormitory and stuff in Heaven. So I went to the Tokyo Psoas to fill in some forms and contracts and stuff. Hooray. Wewent there with an additional Japanese girland a Croatian girl, afterwards picked up a polish guy who has been here for some weeks already (and for the first sight he seemed a lilbit too... I don't know. Fake...?) But he was nice and friendly helped with some infos and took us to the uni cafeteria where I couldn't finish my jap soup cos we needed to go to meet the prof.
But the dinner was nice they asked if we want to drink which would be sooooo cool but I cannot afford... so we said no. They also went home. But on wednesday or thursday they will organize a welcome party for twe two of us. :D Btw they didn't know where Poland is. :D So after the dinner I didn't feel like going home. (I never feel like going home... you are in Tokyo. Every second you spend sitting in front of your comp is waste of time!!!!)So with the Polish girl we went to the technology center. It's like Vegas. hell yeah it is. Lot of neon lot of skyscreaper... and everything is electronics shop. Most of the things were closed but at night... It is like a pleasure area for gamers. Imagine skyscrepers with 10 or 11 floors of games. Arcade games. Hell yeah they are superpopular here. All of them are with manga characters and all of them are full. Guys in uniforms go to school and afterwards from school go here at 5pm and stay here till midnight. Spending amazingly lot of money! Incredible. Lot of guitar hero, dance games for girls, drum simulator... everything. Adults are in the next skyscreaper 8 floors only with cash machines and coin machines... playing all they long fortune games. :D Incredible!!! And shitload of skyscreapers like this!!! And they are full and the streets are full. People are really really addicted! And next to them we've found a porn shop... 5 floors of porn toys and add-ons. Fake vaginas, fake assholes, fake lips, fake fingers for girls (seriously, WTF???). There were like a collection made out of gypsum of vagines 30 different types. And if you tell the seller which one you prefer he brings a lot of fake vagines of that type. (WTF???) And everything is advertised by animes and mangas and cartoongirls. Lot of times in really sicky and pervert way... like there is a max 11 years old naked girl with a face like heavily suffering from raping and she was full covered with semen. And guys suited up are in these stores with business package in glasses and they are buying these stuffs. :D amazing. And in the middle of this shit there was a statue of Yoda. Seriously... WTF???? We've seen a church... which was a restaurant but looked like from outside as a gothic church. I've seen a metal shop with a lot of cds and metal records and stuff... like Hammer. And you could buy there OSSIAN, Dalriada, Tűzmadár, Nevergreen and a lot of Hammer products. In Tokyo. Amazing.
So today was just more weird stuff. Monring I wanted to take a shower and the cleaning up lady started to speak to me Japanese. I tried to explain or show that I do not speak the language but she continued... till I said yes ok. :D Amazing. So this is a crazy city. But a materopolis it is living it is wow! so awesome! I love it. But You cannot live here for long unless you are Japanese. but I love it. Anyway later at home I got lilbit sad cos of girls but it has not too many things to do with Japan so no details. Let's go to sleep it's 3 am...
Danza kuduroo! Hell yeah! That song changed my life